Travelling In The Gobi Desert Day 11



On our final day in the Gobi Desert, we sought one last encounter with the elusive Takhi horses in Hustai National Park. With blue skies and freezing temperatures, it was a memorable conclusion.

Travelling In The Gobi Desert

Day 11: Hustai National Park to Ulaanbaatar (The Last Day)

Distance: 140 km

The Final Adventure: Farewell to the Gobi

Our last day dawned clear and crisp, with blue skies stretching across the horizon and a biting cold that reminded us winter was just around the corner.

Determined to make the most of our final hours in the Gobi, we persuaded Victor to take us back into Hustai National Park for one last chance to spot the elusive Takhi without the interference of dust. We ventured a few kilometers into the park and soon spotted a herd grazing high on a hill. While some of our group trekked up to get a closer look, I opted to stay in the warmth of the van, knowing that the horses might flee at the sound of approaching humans—and they did.

As we continued our search, we reached a river flat where horses were known to frequent. Our patience paid off as we encountered a large herd of mares and foals, with a stallion standing guard. We managed to get quite close, allowing us to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. Out of the 300 Takhi residing in the park, we were fortunate to see about 70, making this a memorable finale to our wildlife encounters.

Our journey had been remarkable, as we had managed to spot not only the Takhi but also Ibex, Argali, and Red Deer—all animals on our wish list. This success was largely due to our expert driver and guide, who knew exactly where to find these elusive species.

Reluctantly, we left the park and headed back to Ulaanbaatar and the Golden Gobi Guesthouse. Although we were sad to see the tour end, the prospect of a hot shower and clean clothes was eagerly anticipated.

Reflecting on our incredible adventure, we all agreed that the Gobi Desert had provided an unforgettable experience. We parted ways with plans to return and explore the northern regions of Mongolia in the future.

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